Tuesday 18 March 2014

First Post!

Hi there! 

Welcome to the new blog about BPSA at UoN, presented by your new BPSA reps Abel and Sean, both from third year! We will be introducing some new stuffs and continue to bring BPSA into the heart of our course! 

We'll like to bring your attention to the latest online <Future Pharmacist> spring issue by BPSA, which has articles about the upcoming BPSA activities and tips for interviews! The magazine also features a CPD clinic on children and their medicines, which is a good read for your clinical knowledge and something for you to write your CPDs!

Do check out the link below for the online soft copy. There's also some hard copies of the winter issue in the pharmacy foyer which contains the BPSA calendar for the year 2013/2014. Hope to see all of you around campus and watch out for our future posts on BPSA events!


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