Friday 24 April 2015

BPSA Workshop

Hi again! It's been a long while since we posted anything new. Last week, we conducted some workshops for our juniors from Year 1 and 2 in the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus! Every year, the BPSA reps in PharmSoc will conduct sessions with the junior years to talk about BPSA and also conduct workshops to help students on stuffs such as OSCEs and CV-writing. So here we are, doing our part for the students!

We explained to the students how the BPSA works, and also how the BPSA membership can benefit them. At this moment, Sean was explaining about the different regions of BPSA administration across the UK. Other things covered included the BPSA Professional Development Scheme (PDS), about Annual Conference and also access to resources such as PJ Online and CPPE learning tools.

Briefing with the Year 2 students. Apologies, we forgot to take pictures for the Year 1 sessions!

CV workshop as part of our time spent with the Year 2's. We learnt a lot from our experiences in the UK, hence we taught our juniors how to improve on their CV to make them stand out from other "average CVs".

Group activity during the workshops.

We're glad that students found the sessions informative and useful. Sad to say, this is our final assignment in our term as BPSA reps (sobs!). Having said that, we hope that this good work will be continued by the two newly-elected BPSA reps for the year 2015/2016: Dayana and Phang Sum!

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude for your support for BPSA and also to us throughout our term in office. It was a great year, and we hope you will continue to support BPSA, just as how it has supported us in our academic years.

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