Wednesday 15 June 2016

BPSA Annual Conference 2016 Cardiff
“Annual conference is a great opportunity to network with leaders of our future profession, as well as with students from all around the UK, making new friends along the way. Everyone should experience annual conference at least once!” – Amy Hume year 2 student

“Fun, indescribable in words, must go, opens opportunities, chance to meet new people & network”  - Toh Phang Sum year 4 student

This year's annual conference was held in Cardiff the capital city of Wales, it was a full week conference with Conference Business in the morning where we debated about motions such as "School of Pharmacies should arrange more placements", " All medicines should state allergy ingredients on the box" or "Pharmacy First schemes should be at a national level". Each delegate would then listen or give speeches for the motion, against the motion or abstaining from voting the motion. Delegates could also ask questions for clarification, debate about the motion and then ultimately vote upon it. Once a motion has passed, it becomes BPSA policy for the next three years and the BPSA executive committee does their best to implement the motions by speaking to School of Pharmacies, General Pharmaceutical Council GPhC and other relevant organisations.

Apart from that we have different theme social nights where you dress up and have fun, meeting new people from other universities, Royal Pharmaceutical Society RPS  and much much more.

On BPSA day we learned many skills, fine-tuned our CV and learnt tips to prepare for interviews as well as had the opportunity to talk to various people from companies such as GSK, Boots, Community Pharmacies, Pharmacist Support, NPA and much much more.

I found myself benefiting tremendously from attending Annual Conference as I connected with new friends, learned new things and created lasting friendships. Annual conference is a very good opportunity and if possible you should go at least once during your time studying pharmacy.

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